Infolinks is the text-advertising network which has been popular as an alternative for google adsense. Infolinks get easily approved compared to any other network and its usage is also very easy. It has 4 types of ads at present "In Text, Intag, Infold and Inframe. Those ads help you to monetize from your blog. By optimization of ads in a perfect way maximizes your infolinks revenue. Based on my factors your infolinks depends on earning depends.
Why You're not earning from Infolinks
Many of bloggers says "Infolinks earnings are too slow". But many of you just implement code and leave. Then they saying "I am not getting good revenue from infolinks/ "Infolinks doesnot pay equally for every click so they quit from this ad network.
Ad optimization is necessary for every ad networks especially infolinks and google adsense. So ad-optimization increases your eCPM which boos earnings.
Tips to Increase infolinks earning
Here are some tips which definitely increase your earning. Just follow the Steps:
So what you do is customize your infolinks ads. But the tricks lies in place of tags given on correct position and placement. Place off tag at unnecessary places where you don't want infolinks to display their ads. Insert this tag after </head> section.
Now place the below code to enable ads where the content is relevant to your ads.
Implimentation of high CPC Keywords
Usage of keywords are very important to increase your earnings.
For Example: Make Money Online, Buy Online these types of keywords is high cpc keywords.
Customization of Text colors
According to your blog template and background test the color which increase your infolinks eCPM as well as infolinks earnings. I personally use Blue color to my infolinks ads. Base on your earnings test all the colors which suits your blog and increase your infolinks earnings.
Use of Dotted Lines
Use dotted lines instead of Double Lines to increase your infolinks. Because people are irritae by click on double lines and almost their focus never go to click on double line ads. So customize your ad unit with only dotted lines.
Usage of Number of Lines
By default infolinks allowed 12 numbers of text ads, decrease number of lines to 8 text ads, so that users shouldn't be annoyed of excess of ads. So try to use less number of text ads. So that users dont enable ad blockers.
Enable all 4 types of ads on your blog and make sure that all is visible on your blog in proper way.
Good Traffic Required
Good traffic doesn't mean high traffic from single country. Get more US traffic because clicks from other countries pay more $$ compared to their own countries. So try to acheive traffic from all parts of world.
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